Institute of Fluid Science,
Tohoku University,
2-1-1 Katahira Aoba-ku Sendai, Japan, 980-8577
Joined NEC in 1981 after graduating in Instrumentation Engineering from Keio University. Worked on the research and development of ultra-precise plasma etching processes for ULSI devices. Promoted to Principal Researcher in Microelectronics Laboratory, R&D Group NEC Corporation. Obtained a Ph.D. in Instrumentation Engineering from Keio University in 1992. Since July 2000, he has been a full professor at Tohoku University, where he is currently Director of the Innovative Energy Research Center at the Institute of Fluid Science (IFS) Tohoku University. He is also a Principal Investigator (PI) at Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) Tohoku university, Fellow of National institute of advanced industrial science and technology (AIST) and also Chair Professor of National Chiao Tung University. His significant scientific achievements earned him Ichimura Award (2008) in the New Technology Development Foundation, Prizes for Science and Technology; The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2009), Plasma Prize in American Vacuum Society (2010) and IEEE NTC Distinguished Lecturers (2019). Additionally, he has been elected as a “Distinguished Professor” of Tohoku University, a “Fellow” of the JSAP since 2008, a “Fellow” of AVS since 2009 and an also “Fellow” of IEEE since 2018.