Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske

Portland State University,
Portland, OR, 97229, USA

Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske is a professor of ECE at Portland State University, and was department chair 2004-2010. She holds an M.S. from the Technical University of Warsaw, Poland, and a PhD in electrical engineering from Auburn University. She researches CAD for submicron 3DICs, CNFETs and nanoribbon-FETs, EXOR/reversible logic synthesis, nano-bio systems, and emerging technologies. She presented multiple plenary (ICCDCS’17, ICECS’14, LASCAS’14, FIFC’13) and tutorial lectures (ISCAS, LASCAS, ICECS, SOCC). She received the IEEE CEDA 2008 Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award and the 1990 Best IEEE Transactions Paper Award from the Alabama Section. She serves as IOP Nano Express Editorial Board Member, and was Associate Editor of IEEE TCAS II, IEEE JETCAS, Guest Editor for IEEE TNANO and others. She was Technical Program chair/co-chair of IEEE conferences NMDC’18, NANO’17, LASCAS’12, MELECON’04, and ICECS’02 and served on steering/technical/organizing committees of ISCAS, ICECS, LASCAS, FTFC, ISQED, NANO, NMDC, ASQED, ISLPED, IMSTW, ISMVL, and others. She is IEEE NTC Finance VP and on IEEE TAB-ARC, and was NTC VP for Technical Activities, CASS BoG member, chair of Nanoelectronics and Nano and Giga-scale Systems TCs, and others. A founding member of Women in CAS and Chair (2010-11)is an IEEE Life Senior Member.