Message from the Editor-In-Chief
02 February, 2018
Also this year as the flagship publication of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC), I am pleased to report that the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (TNANO) has achieved new heights across all endeavors of operation.
2017 is the third consecutive year with record numbers in terms of number of submissions; moreover, selectivity has remained nearly constant, so confirming that TNANO has reached an excellent level of overall scholarship. In quantitative terms, Manuscript Central Scholar One reports the following very impressive statistics for the 2017 calendar year (the data for 2016 is reported between parentheses):
- Number of regular manuscript submissions: 797 (758)
- Number of “Letter” submissions: 124 (0)
- Total number of submissions: 921 (758)
- Acceptance rate: 31% (28%)
- Rejection rate: 50% (54%)
- Revise-and-resubmit rate: 19% (18%)
Read the rest of the editorial here.